Research profile

I am a theoretical biologist with interests in ecology, evolution, and the interplay between them. I use methods from evolutionarygame theory, population genetics, and theoretical ecology, and hope to contribute to developing them as well. I have so far studied questions relating to the evolution of endosymbioses and species coexistence in microbial communities. During myPhD, I will work on the evolutionary origins of multicellularity, and on the coevolution of senescence with reproductive modes. I also consider it to be fruitful to interact directly with empiricists; I am thus involved currently in constructing mathematical models to augment insights gained from evolution experiments in sporulating bacteria, and greenhouse experiments with tropical plants undergoing plant-soil feedbacks. 



Positions held 

Since 2024   
PhD candidate in Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology, JGU

Visiting student, Evolutionary Ecology Lab, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India

2022 - 2023   
Master thesis student, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön


2018 - 2023   
2018 - 2023: BS and MS in Mathematics and Biology, Indian Institute for Science Education and Research, Pune, India