Research profile

My research focuses on a multiscale approach to investigate network dynamics for resilience. This requires using brain regions and their connections to explore the stability of the network state, and the nature of transitions between qualitatively different states. In addition, the activity patterns of individual neurons after a stress exposure will be examined. By using biological insights to model complex network dynamics in the brain, I will validate the theoretical findings by analyzing existing experimental data on activity patterns of individual neurons and whole brain recordings after stress exposure.


Positions held 

Since 06/2024  
Doctoral candidate, AG Hesse - Computational Resilience Research, Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research (LIR) gGmbH,  Mainz, Germany

Associate at UCT (University Cancer Center Mainz), University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany   


Since 06/2024  
Doctoral candidate, Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research (LIR) gGmbH, Mainz, Germany 

Master of Science in Applied Bioinformatics, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany

Master of Science in Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Bachelor of Science in Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany