Research profile

We are interested in studying the immune system and the tumor microenvironment (TME) using computational approaches. As immune cells highly interact with cancer cells, our mission is to better understand this interaction and how, for example, tumor cells evade the immune system’s response. To address such questions, we utilize single-cell, spatial, and genomic sequencing technologies (NGS) for analysis. Integrating various omics layers as well as clinical parameters, we seek to create a holistic view that creates new insights for basic research as well as clinical translation.


Positions held 

Since 2023   
Assistant Professor, University Medical Center Mainz , Institute of Immunology, Quantitative Biomedicine (AG Imbusch)

Since 2018   
Teamleader, Teamleader for Computational Oncoimmunology , Applied Bioinformatics (AG Brors)

2017 - 2018   
Consultant, GeneWerk GmbH, Heidelberg, Development of improved bioinformatics workflow for viral integration site detection (Dr. Annette Deichmann)

2016 - 2017   
Consultant, BioMedX Innovation Center, Heidelberg, Consultant for bioinformatics analysis for Team: Epigenetics and COPD (Dr. Renata Jurkowska)

2014 - 2017   
Bioinformatiker, Applied Bioinformatics (AG Brors), Heidelberg, NGS Analysen, Methodenentwicklung zur Unterscheidung von ’Driver’ und ’Passenger’ Mutationen in Krebs

2012 - 2013   
Bioinformatiker, Data Management Group (AG Eils), Heidelberg, Verwaltung und Aufbereitung von Ergebnisdaten der deutschen ICGC Projekte Aufsetzen und Instandhaltung einer lokalen cBio Instanz

2011 - 2012   
Junior Consultant, Intershop Communications AG, Jena, Erweiterung des Customer Information Centers (CIC) im Bereich Visualisierung und Benutzerfreundlichkeit, R&D im Bereich Datenmigration auf Oracle Basis


2023 - 2024   
MBA, Mannheim Business School, Executive MBA 2024 graduate

2017 - 2019   
PhD Bioinformatik, Applied Bioinformatics (AG Brors), Heidelberg, NGS Analysen (Epigenom und Transkriptom) von regulatorischen T Zellen

2004 - 2010   
Bioinformatik Studium, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena