Research profile

I am interested in neuronal information process at the circuit and population level. My research focus in understanding howenvironmental information is hierarchically processed in visual systems, from concrete to abstract visual representations. I have previously combined theorerical and computational approaches to investigate the principles of visual information processing in 1) peripheral circuits and 2) neuronal populations. In peripheral circuits, I studied how natural spectral stimuli have driven the evolution of circuits by developing a data-driven theoretical framework based on efficient coding and neuronal dynamics. In neuronal populations, I investigated the statistical properties of spiking activity from large neuronal populations by developing a theoretical framework based on both the Bottleneck compression algorithm and ideas of renormalization group. Currently, I am working together with Marion Silies and julijana gjorgjieva to investigate the principles of dynamic coding in the peripheral visual system of the fly both at the circuit and population level.


Positions held 

Since 11/2022   
Postdoc at the Silies lab, FTN, JGU

2019 - 2020   
Visiting Research Student, Princeton University


2018 - 2022   
PhD in Physics, UFMG, Brazil

2016 - 2018   
Masters in Physics, UFMG, Brazil

2011 - 2016   
Bachelors in Physics, UNAL Bogotá, Colombia