Research profile

My laboratory specializes in employing a diverse range of modern techniques in quantitative and functional genomics, as well as quantitative proteomics, with a strong emphasis on translational implications. Our primary goal is to decipher chromatin dynamics associated with cancer progression and resistance, aiming to identify means for therapeutically targeting new vulnerabilities in cancer. Our work spans across all technical facets, from molecular biology isolation/enrichment methods to library preparation, and extends subsequently to computational data processing, analysis, and integration. Within the IQCB, I hope to explore collaborative opportunities and knowledge exchange within our shared field of interest.


Positions held

Since 2020     
Group Leader (since 2023 Emmy-Noether Group Leader), UMC Mainz, Germany

Since 2018     
Attending hematologist and oncologist, UMC Mainz, Germany

Postdoctoral Fellow (German Cancer Aid) at the Wellcome Trust-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Cambridge, UK

Resident Physician in Hematology and Oncology


Doctoral Thesis (Dr. med.), UMC Mainz, Germany

Medical School, University of Oradea, Romania