Research profile

One of the goals of my research is to gain a better understanding and to answer any questions related to human health. This research is driven by a mathematical mindset as I deeply enjoy finding patterns, both in concrete data and abstractly, and as I am fond of thinking very precisely and carefully about the definitions and reasons behind an observation, claim or result. In particular, I am interested in modelling with networks or other stochastic processes.The application areas of my research are very wide as I love learning new things and as the mathematical methods are so universal. Applications I have worked on so far include the psychological concept of resilience, or protein interactions in biology, or the provision of medical care in health services research, or the spread of infectious diseases (such as COVID-19) or diagnostic tests, group comparisons, associations or regressions for various clinical and epidemiological questions.


Positions held

Since 2020   
Postdoc at IMBEI, UMC, Germany


PhD in mathematics at the University of Groningen, Netherlands

MSc in mathematics and the foundations of computer science at the University of Oxford, UK

BSc in mathematics with a minor in computer science at the University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) with an exchange semester at NUS (Singapore)